
Project Overview

Ksi Lisims LNG, pronounced s'lisims, means “from the Nass River” in the Nisga’a language. It is a proposed 12-million-tonne-per-year liquefied natural gas (LNG) project on Pearse Island on the northwest coast of British Columbia, Canada.  

Ksi Lisims LNG’s governance structure provides each project proponent – the Nisga’a Nation, Rockies LNG and Western LNG – with meaningful input into project development, management, and operations, ensuring it is designed and operated in a manner consistent with the Nisga’a Nation’s commitment to stewardship of the land and its people.

Wil Milit

Ksi Lisims LNG will be located at Wil Milit, approximately 15 kilometers west of Gingolx, on treaty land owned in fee simple by the Nisga’a Nation. The proposed site consists of undeveloped, but previously logged, land in close proximity to existing shipping routes.

Net-zero ready by 2030

Ksi Lisims LNG has a plan that outlines a three pillar approach to achieving net-zero:

1. Use technology to reduce facility emissions to the lowest level possible.
2. Offset hard to reduce emissions by purchasing credible, preferably local, and nature-based offsets.
3. Pursue continuous improvement through ongoing analysis of new technologies and approaches.

Lower-emission LNG

Ksi Lisims LNG would have a lower-carbon advantage in comparison to other LNG sources:

1. Lower lifecycle emissions intensity natural gas
2. Access to renewable hydropower
3. A considerably shorter shipping distance to Asia

Once connected to B.C. hydropower, the project will have an emissions intensity of 0.02 tonnes of CO2e per tonne of LNG. If that connection is delayed, temporary power barges would be used, and the facility's emissions intensity would remain under the B.C. emissions benchmark for LNG production at 0.156 tonnes of CO2e per tonne of LNG.

For additional information, context, and background, please see Ksi Lisims LNG's submission to the BC EAO at EPIC (

SOURCES: Ksi Lisims’ interpretation of company reports, government studies and internal analysis: Environment and Climate Change Canada 2023 Canada’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Environment and Climate Change Canada data, CSIRO Energy 2019 Whole of Life GHG Emissions Assessment of a CSG LNG Project in Surat Basin, Delphi Group 2013 LNG Production in British Columbia, Qatargas 2020 Sustainability Report, Nakilat 2020 Sustainability Report, ERM 2020 Comparative Life Cycle Assessment: Browse and Scarborough, ACS Sustainable 2021 LNG Supply Chains: A Supplier-Specific Life-Cycle Assessment for Improved Emission Accounting, NETL 2019 Life Cycle GHG Perspective on Exporting LNG from the United States, Novatek 2021 ESG Presentation, Woodside NWS Benchmarking 2019.

Environmental Assessment

Information related to KsiLisims LNG’s Initial Project Description and environmental assessment process available on the BC Environmental Assessment Office’s web site.

Jobs and Economic Benefits

Ksi Lisims LNG has the potential to generate significant social and economic benefits, including public revenues, jobs, training and businesses opportunities for Indigenous Nations and other communities in the region.

If you’re interested in working on Ksi Lisims LNG, download this information package that can help you get ready for opportunities.
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If you are a Nisga’a citizen, please let us know you’re interested in jobs with an email to:

Project Schedule

Ksi Lisims LNG is undergoing environmental assessment work, Indigenous and community engagement, and preliminary engineering.

With regulatory approvals and final investment decisions by the project partners, construction could begin in 2025 with the site operational in 2029.

Project Input and Updates

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