World-leading LNG. Local Opportunities.

Ksi Lisims LNG is a new project being developed on the northwest coast of Canada to export lower carbon LNG to markets in Asia. The project represents a unique alliance among the Nisga’a Nation, Rockies LNG and Western LNG.

Project Overview

Ksi Lisims LNG is a proposed floating liquefied natural gas (LNG) export facility located on a site owned by the Nisga’a Nation near the community of Gingolx in British Columbia.

The project will have a capacity of 12 million tonnes of LNG per year, destined for markets in the Pacific basin, primarily in Asia where demand for cleaner fuels continues to grow.

Click below to learn more about this innovative project.

Net Zero Ready by 2030

The Project is designed from the ground up to set a new environmental performance standard, including a proposed floating design which significantly reduces land and shoreline disturbance. In addition, the facility will have one of the lowest carbon intensities of any LNG export project in the world, utilizing several technologies to reduce carbon emissions, including using renewable hydropower from the B.C. grid.

Extraordinary Economic and Social Opportunity

Together with pipeline construction and upstream development anticipated over the project life, Ksi Lisims LNG has the potential to create thousands of jobs in northwest B.C. For Indigenous Nations, Ksi Lisims LNG aims to create education, training, employment, contracting and social and cultural investment opportunities, keeping people on their land and deeply connected to culture.

A Unique Project

Ksi  Lisims LNG is a unique project by three parties that each bring their own perspective, background, capabilities, and experience to the table. Rockies LNG is bringing natural gas supply and an appetite for access to new markets. Western LNG is bringing expertise in financing, engineering, contracting and operating LNG facilities. And the Nisga’a Nation is bringing a world-class site along with knowledge of coastal environmental stewardship and cultural heritage from thousands of years of history in the Nass.  

Learn About The Project
floating liquefaction facility at sea

Project Proponents

Unique among Canada’s Aboriginal peoples, the Nisga’a Nation is self-governing—their modern treaty with the governments of Canada and British Columbia gives the Nisga’a Nation increased control and rights over their lands. The Nisga’a Nation is ideally situated along the west coast of Canada with direct access to overseas markets, close proximity to all proposed natural gas pipeline routes, and prime locations for the development of floating LNG projects.
Rockies LNG Partners is a limited partnership comprised of Canadian natural gas producers formed to advance LNG market access opportunities on the west coast of British Columbia. Rockies LNG's partners collectively produce approximately half of natural gas extracted from the Western Sedimentary Basin (primarily in the Montney Formation) and are committed to responsible development of Canadian natural gas resources.
Western is engaged in the development of North American liquefied natural gas export facilities. With a management team experienced in the development of LNG and related energy infrastructure industry. Western is developing an integrated solution for delivering abundant, low-cost North American natural gas to markets that need it most. Western's offices are in Houston, Texas, and in Vancouver, B.C.